2.8.8 version without registering unlimited resources Flip Diving full hack mod cheats

resources full hack mod cheats Flip Diving



Flip Diving hack generator


Rating 4,5 of 5 star. Review Don't get me wrong, I love, love, LOVE this game. I play it everyday and it's a really great game to play when you're bored. Still, there's a few problems. I know people have been talking about ads a lot, but honestly, I can deal with ads, I get that's they're way of making money. However, I only get TWO ADS on this game, one is Flip Trickster which is odd because this is all ready a game almost identical to this, and the other one is I think Toyota or another car brand. I'm not saying to get rid of ads, just maybe change them up a bit. My second concern is the 'bellyflops' and 'backflops'. I don't know who judges this but I always land pretty close to perfect but I lose the game because it was judged as a bellyflop or backflop. It can get annoying especially when you're at a high score and you lose because of a centimeter. Some jumps may end up a bellyflop but others are DEFINITELY not! My final concern is about the spin wheel. I absolutely love the wheel and all the prizes, but I only redownloaded it this week and I already have to gather 300 coins to spin. I don't like how it adds up by 50 coins every two or three spins. It's just obnoxious. I suggest going up by 10 or 15 every four to five spins. Once again, no hate on this game, I absolutely love it. I hope some of these problems are fixed or changed and I can't wait to see new updates!❤️. Genres Action. Ipod. rating 13446 Vote. brief • The World's #1 cliff diving game - now on your mobile! •. subtitle The Ultimate Cliff Diving Game.




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